3 citations for Improper Lane Usage Violations.3 citations for No Seat Belt Violations.
2 arrests for drivers with outstanding arrest warrants.15 arrests for Revoked/Suspended/No Valid Driver’s Licenses.Thousands of lives could be saved each year if every vehicle occupant was properly restrained when traveling.ĭuring the enforcement period, Sheriff’s Deputies issued 108 citations for violations to increase traffic safety that included the following offenses: The “Click It or Ticket” campaign aims to change the behavior of the millions of people who don’t buckle up. While Illinois’ 2022 seat belt compliance rate was 93%, unbelted occupants still account for more than half of those killed in traffic crashes. The Ogle County Sheriff’s Office today announced it issued 108 total citations during the recent Memorial Day “Click It or Ticket” enforcement period. Ogle County Sheriff’s Office Announces ‘Click It or Ticket’ Campaign Numbers The enforcement period runs concurrently with a media campaign reminding motorists that “It’s Not a Game” to drive impaired. The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” “Drive High Get a DUI” and “Click It or Ticket” programs are made possible by federal highway safety funds administered by the Illinois Department of Transportation. It’s not only the law, but also your best defense against an impaired driver. Make sure everyone in your vehicle wears their seat belt.Promptly report drunk drivers to law enforcement by pulling over and dialing 911.


Ogle County Sheriff Deputies made 5 impaired driving arrests and issued 195 total citations during the recent Independence Day “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,” “Drive High Get a DUI” and “Click It or Ticket” safety campaigns which ran from June 16th to July 5th, 2023.

Ogle County Sheriff Releases Independence Day Enforcement Numbers